patience. However, I was not to be stopped, and in a few days, I had a deep tan, bare in those special places, and I had acquired plenty of male admirers down on the beach.

The next to the last day, Susie and I asked Mom if we could go down to the beach, instead of going fishing with them. She looked at us, and with a doubtful voice, gave us permission. Pretty soon they had gone. Susie helped me into my bikini, and in fifteen minutes, we were laying on the sand deepening our tan even more.

Susie was laying on her back with her eyes closed, and I was laying on my stomach looking at a shell that was practically the same shade of pink as my nail polish. We were sizing up the girls and guys on the beach. Since my first day out, padding had been added to my rear so I imagine Susie and I drew at least some attention from males. Anyway, I was still surprised when I looked up and saw two pairs of male legs.

They were both boys of around 22, blond, and Susie would have considered them well-built, and good-looking. I didn't care, I still liked girls, no matter how I dressed.

It was obvious, from the way they looked at us, the taller of the two was interested in me, and the other was interested in Susie. As a matter of fact, the tall one wasn't exactly looking at my face, if you know what I mean.

I nudged Susie, "Hey, wake up! We have visitors!"

She turned around and looked up. The look on her face gave every- thing away. She was interested, and she looked that way. "Hi, there!" she said in a low, sexy voice.

"Afternoon, ladies. My friend and I noticed you sitting here all by yourselves, and we thought you might appreciate a little company.'

"You bet," Susie smiled. "My name is Susie McLain, and this is my sister, Marcia."

"I'm Bill Robinson, and this is Jack Fuller, we're very happy to make your acquaintance."

Jack said "Hi!" and immediately sat down next to me. He was in- terested in me, but I didn't want to let things get too far. I said hello quietly.